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About Nevaeh Major. 

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I am a 17 year old film student currently studying at BOA Stage and Screen Production academy. Before I decided that I wanted a career in this fast paced industry, the world of Film and TV didn’t much appeal to me. It was actually my passion for editing and my desire to learn more about Adobe After Effects that initially drew me to study a practical broadcasting course. Over the past few years some of the roles that I have discovered a talent for is vision mixing, camera operating and editing, but I would describe myself as a well rounded individual in all roles of production.


I am a lover of films and pretty much frequent local cinemas when I can, this has always been a passion of mine but my desire to explore lesser known genres and foreign cinema was ignited by the course I am currently taking and the people studying alongside me. Some of my favourite directors include Wes Anderson, Tim Burton and Ari Aster and my favourite films include Parasite, Grand Budapest Hotel and Whiplash. 


Clients I've worked along side 

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